Thursday, January 20, 2011

January Mid term test, one of many tests

So the class took a lovely test today, this is the last part of my rather lengthy test. Feel free to make comments, correct me, teach me, after all, this is what learning is all about.

(Q) What are ten things you can do to make sure your web page is optimized for Search engines?

(A) 1) Research your competition

2) Interact in online forums

3) Monitor and maintain your website

4) Use Analytics

5) Make a keyword list

6) Use social media networks to your advantage

7) SEO Software and Webmaster Tools

8) Create an account at Google Webmaster Central, Yahoo Site Explorer and Live Search Webmaster Center verify you are a site owner and gather all the information and free-bees as you can manage.

9) Have relevant links to other sites and they link to you.

10) If you’re not going to SEO yourself, find a company that specializes in White Hat compliance's that will do the SEO to proper specifications.


(Q) How can a business best use a Web Site, Facebook, a blog, Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter to create an effective online marketing campaign?

(A) By creating a campaign on the social media networks you assuring yourself of being seen by someone that is surfing the web or looking for a certain something. Three out of four people are on social networking pages every day, to post your site or link or blog about it, brings an interest to whatever it is that’s being marketed. By creating a creative and engaging campaign, it will help in drawing in the clicks. Don’t confuse customers with crazy sites that will give seizures but pique their interest in any other way you can.


(Q) Web 2.0 was about the web site providing the platform and the users providing the content (EBAY, Facebook, YouTube…), Web 3.0 is about managing the content. What is a content management system, when and how might it make sense for a business to use a CMS as apposed to a traditional web site, and how do Joomla and even WordPress fit into the Web 3.0 environment?

(A) As I roughly defined above, (content management system) is the collection of procedures used to manage workflow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual or computer-based. Data can be defined as nearly anything: documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, scientific data, and so forth. CMSs are frequently used for storing, controlling, revising, semantically enriching, and publishing documentation. Serving as a central repository, the CMS increases the version level of new updates to an already existing file.

It is a software program that is used to make designing multiple advertisements to be placed within a website much easier. It stores the ad (or content) into a database, the system can retrieve it and put the information wherever based on rules you can use and however flexible the CMS is. The source code is available to use and change whenever needed.

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