Monday, January 31, 2011

Since I've Gone Away.....

...took some time when I got back from da "Booze Cruise" to check out my classmates websites that they single handedly created (is that a word??), wow, they have talent!!! It inspires me more and more yet depresses me to see their talent vs. mine. I know it's different skills and expertise all rolled into one, I'm just blown away by their level of know how. Although, I'll be honest, I'm gonna be picky about what I see....

Outone Vanna really has a great site, he thought that out a bit. he kills me how talented he is. The layout is great and yeah, he makes me ill with his site. But I give him props for having it and showing it off.

Derrick did an interesting site, - for some reason i just get this stuffy feeling from it, like It's crammed into a box rather than spaced and laid out a bit better. The spinney icon is cool, but might need to just be slowed down a bit, in my opinion.

John did a great job on his site, I like the cold metallic look really, - the only thing that gets me is the typeface (font choice), I feel it's either too small or just not the right type and it just muddies all together.

Mister Thomas Castle of Castle Designs configured this one, - and I am having problems already. If he has a certain font used for certain first letters, I'm not seeing it. Plus it looks sparse and hard to read. I'm just not feelin this site.

Chris I have small issues with already and I am trying to give him benefit of doubt here. - for starters, typeface is either too small or not the right look. the pics along the side are dark and there isn't anything to tie the images in with the layout. Plus, there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many grammatical errors that it hurts me reading it. It just looks like it needs more work or needs to be thought out better.

Mason has two interesting sites, & . I still get really annoyed when capitalization isn't used properly, it's a me thang. But he has some great skills!! WOW! I think his portfolio has some great work, personally, I think his third site is better than the second layout and content wise. The second site is ok, I like the glowing neon boxes, the typeface is annoying, the links in sources should be linked up to something in my opinion. It's a short and sweet site, he kept it short and simple.

I personally adore Ty's site. He knows a decent design, he works at branding himself, he is talented, I'd like to see him go far. is his personal site. I like the black and white contrast with the hits of red, the layout is great and my eye travels along his page. I'd give him a solid A on this, it looks great.

Jacobs site seems just short and sweet,, I understand his point, I just think it needs more. Images, graphics, text...something to make it more captivating other than a bright aqua color, light background image and text. Where's the research links? Where are the references??

Ashley has some neat images on her site, the popping links when you hover over them all is annoying. Page 4 has no breaks, it's all one long paragraph and looks just annoying to read. Page 3 looks better, I'm glad she's got the research in there, looks good! Page 1 top half of the page looks great, the second half around the image gets tight and busy. Good job for Ashley!

Justin put up an okay site. , I'm picky about the tabs and the colors myself. The typeface needs to be either bigger, spaced wider, fit better something, it just seems to be smooshed with the colors he has used. The yellow typeface is really bothering me.

I like the changing image at the tab, I had to sit there a minute to "get it" that it was for Social Network. , S & E?? I didn't get that at first either. It was nice, he researched, images looked good and were tagged.

Kyle did a nice little site, he is always doing something in black or dark colors though, I'd like to see him do something bright someday, be diferent! - the little images need to be a bit bigger or brighter, definition citings at the bottom could use a hover color or a different color other than dark blue, hard to read on a dark background. The 10 skills could use to be spaced a bit more apart, it looks shoved together. Just two sites he used as a reference?? really??? At least the images are nice to look at....

I seem to be missing a few others websites, I'll dig around for them tho and add them little by little. I have some competition out there, and some I just am not worried about. I'm kind of annoyed that some classmates didn't bother putting anything out there, epic fail as I occasionally say. Ok, this turned into more of a critiques site rather than "check this out..." oh well.... :)

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