Monday, January 26, 2015


It's been a few weeks since, so much going on!
I'm trying to stay positive through it all.

I've been creative lately, finished some invitations for my neighbors wedding coming up this year. Been also working on a few logo's or updating a logo for one client. My brothers have Incorporated their business and will be going public so to speak in March, they asked me to do the Facebook page. So I will be immersing myself withing that soon, I also need to do a few scrolling videos for their work.

I also have been asked by some higher heads here at Jacobs to help out with updating red-lines that come in from vendors. I will be learning autuCAD and Microstation platforms in the next few weeks to get me comfortable with working in them. I work for a company called Winter Park Blue, soon to be Thomas Printing- but I am subcontract to Jacobs Engineering. This to me, is a bit of a blessing really, I can go farther with this and learn as much as possible and be worth more to a company if I do decide to find something new. Personally I am looking forward to this new experience and challenge, let's see what happens, keeping positive about it all too!

Recently my father went into hospital up in Pennsylvania, it brought up a ton of emotions. I was a basket case this weekend and it didn't help seeing commercials and shows that had that sweet & loving daddy- daughter relationship. All the "what-if's" surfaced. He and my mother separated due to his actions almost 20 years ago Valentines. We the kids have basically shielded the parents from communicating or having much knowledge of the other so they can heal and move on on their own. Well, it seems as this plan is starting to unravel fast. Both parents have been heavy drinkers throughout the years, mom has recently stopped due to health and medication she is on. Dad, not so much- he's been on a suicidal trip lately which has caused a seizure last week. The brothers have talked, my brother talked to his wife and came to the conclusion that it's about time they did talk and start to heal in order for them to move on. I tried to stay away from it, I've seen enough and put up with enough over the years. But he is right, they need to heal, and we need to move through this in order for all of us to heal and move on. I consider this to be a blessing, a chance to heal and one day get together and talk about what happened, the years of abuse on so many levels. How all of us have divided and not talked about the years of decay if you will, just bury it and don't let anything unearth what happened.  
I spoke with dad Saturday after work, he said his electrolytes were low due to the cold he's had. I know dad better, he pushes himself to the brink and gets himself to the point of walking pneumonia. So this seizure, was something else - stress, depression, something. I see myself doing this kind of thing too, putting on a mask to hide what is underneath, if you do it long enough the pain and whatever bothers you will fade, eventually. Part of me doesn't want to deal, part of me just wants to move past it all, run away and just not look back at what happened. I talk to the brothers occasionally, a brief convo with mom or dad and that's it, I'm good with that. Okay, I get that the conversations weren't all that thrilling, but I am alive and dealing with things my way. May seem stubborn and one sided, but I'm okay with that. I'm not really ready for this change... but I need to be positive. I need to get through this , my way.
Dad will be okay, it's going to take him some time to get his head back on straight, but hopefully he will see a therapist, like mom is. One step at a time, baby steps right?

So I'm alive, kicking and dealing with a brisk Monday here at work. Keeping myself happy and smiling through whatever happens! 

I hope you have a blessed day friends. Thanks for reading :)


Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2nd Blessings

It's a long day, just so much going on today.
I'm blessed for being a creative person, if that's not too cocky to say. I'm working on a wedding package for my neighbors- save the date cards, invitation, bridal shower & something for the guests to sign at the wedding. It's wonderful, and I hope this wedding happens really! 😊
I'm blessed that I am able to work overtime! My company is printing plots for the upcomming Interstate 4 widening project. I must say, it's cool seeing how this is coming to fruition from the inside to groundbreaking. This is going to be 6 years or more of roadwork and printing, starting in Maitland and working down to the Kirkman Road/ Universal area. It just blows my mind what these architect groups are going through, and there are seven architect firms working under one main architectural firm- like an umbrella! So yeah, bigtime overtime on the opportunity to print massively.
Blessed to be awake and getting out of bed this morning. I will make it through this year successfully, still hopeful a design job appears or maybe a car to save my truck on wear, tear and gas! 
Happy Friday all & have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blessing post idea....

January 1st, 2015.
Wow, time flies.
So I thought I'd try a resolution, if i stick to it.
My thought is to blog the blessings of my day or week.
If all goes well, i can look back in 364 days and be more positive about where I am in my life.
i'm looking forward for things in my life to improve, in order to do that I need to rethink my approach to things. 
I went to bed early last night, curled up with my 3 cats. I'm single and well, been feeling a bit low.
Todays blessings came to me as well, waking up! Making the bed for a sense of accomplishment, playing with the cats to put a smile on my face helped. A shower to wash 2014 off and cleanse me of last years' negatives. And worked around the house cleaning as well as clearing out bits and peices as I thought about what to write.
My family also sent me a great picture last night, it tells me yeah they miss me and they were thinking about me, sadly while drinking! I'm not a big drinker & really not a partier lately, that can be a positive, sure is healthier! 
Tomorrow I go back to work, there will be overtime to be had and that's a positive, a blessing!
My to do list for the year starts off with the finances, to save, to clean up my financial messes, to curb my spending habits and cutback if not cut out things!
There is step one of my resolution blog, baby steps - little by little!
Love, light, peace & blessings to you reading this!