Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blessing post idea....

January 1st, 2015.
Wow, time flies.
So I thought I'd try a resolution, if i stick to it.
My thought is to blog the blessings of my day or week.
If all goes well, i can look back in 364 days and be more positive about where I am in my life.
i'm looking forward for things in my life to improve, in order to do that I need to rethink my approach to things. 
I went to bed early last night, curled up with my 3 cats. I'm single and well, been feeling a bit low.
Todays blessings came to me as well, waking up! Making the bed for a sense of accomplishment, playing with the cats to put a smile on my face helped. A shower to wash 2014 off and cleanse me of last years' negatives. And worked around the house cleaning as well as clearing out bits and peices as I thought about what to write.
My family also sent me a great picture last night, it tells me yeah they miss me and they were thinking about me, sadly while drinking! I'm not a big drinker & really not a partier lately, that can be a positive, sure is healthier! 
Tomorrow I go back to work, there will be overtime to be had and that's a positive, a blessing!
My to do list for the year starts off with the finances, to save, to clean up my financial messes, to curb my spending habits and cutback if not cut out things!
There is step one of my resolution blog, baby steps - little by little!
Love, light, peace & blessings to you reading this!

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