Friday, June 25, 2010

Paula Sher article

So im blogging about the article What they dont teach you about identity design in design schools... and here is my response.

had a hard time wrapping myself into this lengthy commentary. Im one for short and sweet, make your point and get on with it. she droned on about whats not taught in design schools, when is this?? 10 years ago??? how present day is she referring??? what school or school was she referring??? it was easier for me to get the gist on this by the bloggers replies to the post! sorry, im just unfamiliar with paula, other than her quote in our textbook "Design Matters"- call me ignorant.
ok. so designers need to strategists/ psychiatrists and they need to be communicated to every step of the way. Obviously that doesn't get to happen in modern day. its not just designers that get left out in some way or other, i assure you. it also depends on what school is teaching what and who is behind the thinking for the curriculum.
Beware students: ur in for a rough awakening in the outside world!!

ok. spoke my peace, heres ur chance to crucify me so let err rip!! :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last week!!

made it thru a month of graphic design with y'allz and enjoyed the learning experience tremendously! i know i have MUCH to learn on the subject of art using computers and you all have really been there in so many ways for me, i really cant thank you all enough for the help and feedback.
its been a really weird week for me. trying to get the projects out, studying, being sick and whats happening in the personal life hasn't helped matters any. but im plugging along and i look foreward to waking up every day and learning something new and interacting with you all. i really just wanted to say my thanks and share a bit. i need to go back and do more reviewing before the test tomorrow.
GOOD LUCK to my "peeps", i say that in jest, really.
photoshop next month! thats going to be helluva fun!! i really am excited! not so much for the tests tho.... ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Week 3

Whelp, made it thru another week.
not so much bad happened, lost the tv. gonna suck, kept the cats entertained & i listened to music when doing homework or cleaning. yes, i keep the cats entertained. :P had a decent weekend, was attending a graduation party & was blessed with ANOTHER kitten to raise. humane shelter is booked so now i get to post an adoption flyer on their website to adopt out the little bugger. difficult trying not to get attached to him, cute little thing. i have 2 cats already & they are a pain to feed!! so more mouth to feed!! 3 black cats, maybe thats where my bad luck came from!!
hav you noticed how busy class gets towards the end of the month or is it just me?
- finished the menu this afternoon, that was a bitch! there HAS to be an easier way to set typeface within the menu setup.
- finished the logo 4 up.
- finished the corporate branding package yesterday, just need to mount it all in an eye catching way.
SO this weekend will be all about reading chapters, mounting one project and working on two other projects that are due friday!!
what else can i blahh on about...oil spill, family coming in town next weekend, what am i gonna do for dinner????
ok. time to get my butt in gear!!
have a wonderful weekend peoples!!
one more week to go & another fun class!


Friday, June 11, 2010

week 2!

Hello there!
made it thru week 2 and BOY what a week!!

Flyers lost the cup to the Blackhawks, im a big Flyers fan and was really PRAYING they could do it! they did an amazing job and fought like HELL to get as far as they did. im really proud of them!!! im sad i didnt stay up to watch the games but i would have not made it in to classes if i stayed up toll 11 watching! plus i think i jinx the team if i watch sometimes. ;)
My ex boyfriend that i left to move down here, was just diagnosed with level 3 or stage 3 colin cancer. hes had skin cancer for years now & has been having stomach problems as of recent. he was rushed in to emergency surgery this past weekend and had part of his lower bowel and lymph nodes removed. he will be starting chemo next month, every two weeks for 6 months. his doctors are staying positive and giving him positive chances on beating this, telling him that they caught it early. i find that difficult to believe when stage 4 is the worst (terminal) cancer, but i will stay positive and think good happy thots and pray something fierce. he wants me to come back up for a while just to spend time with him, i need to do it sometime when theres a school break for a few days. ive been so focused on school this week i havent had any time to break down till now. all thats going thru my head is what if??..., why HIM??..., what caused this??..., has he got his affairs in order???..., i am going to hell for this but i even wondered what hes going to do with the bike & mustang! all the thots of why is this happening to a GOOD person (ok, w issues) but hes not an asshole like some ppl who deserve ill!! i dont want him to die, its not right. im really trying to hold it together right now, just so difficult. im trying to stay busy & not loose my mind. it really is difficult, im so glad my best friend is here to keep me going.
School is great!! Learning more Illustrator and enjoying the hell out of it, cant wait to learn more! this week we (myself & my classmates) have been working on our logo & putting them into a "branding" package. so i have a business card, letterhead, envelope and a 4-up logo of black & white, inverted and a few others i just cant seem to remember off hand, my notebook is in my truck. thinking of a CD cover to put my portfolio onto for a businessey resume package to give to perspective employers. cant think of what else to do. probably spend the weekend to come up with something. then monday we will be mounting all logos and stuffs to foam boards. just 2 weeks of classes left till next class begins, exciting!! another book to buy! ;) i like my teacher (s), i have two basically but mr. williams teaches (or passes along his pearls of wisdom) to myself and 4 other classmates. we are sharing a classroom with like 15 other people in the graphic arts field so that we can learn and share ideas with them. i very much enjoy it! really freekin wish Antonelli was like this some 20 years ago!!! i wouldnt have withdrew! mr williams has us spend 30 minutes a day to just clear our minds and draw or do "mindless" excersizes to focus us and get our minds on track. then we discuss or learn whatever we can. i usually stay later so i can get comfortable with the illustrator program.
*SIGH* ready to relax now....have a lot to do this weekend, i need to focus and get this done! :)
SO! off i go! have a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 3

Started back to college this week, just taking it all in and trying to learn as much as possible. Damn theres a lot to explore! Hopefully day 3 will be fascinating! Lets see what brain benders Mr. Williams thrills us with today!!