Friday, June 18, 2010

Week 3

Whelp, made it thru another week.
not so much bad happened, lost the tv. gonna suck, kept the cats entertained & i listened to music when doing homework or cleaning. yes, i keep the cats entertained. :P had a decent weekend, was attending a graduation party & was blessed with ANOTHER kitten to raise. humane shelter is booked so now i get to post an adoption flyer on their website to adopt out the little bugger. difficult trying not to get attached to him, cute little thing. i have 2 cats already & they are a pain to feed!! so more mouth to feed!! 3 black cats, maybe thats where my bad luck came from!!
hav you noticed how busy class gets towards the end of the month or is it just me?
- finished the menu this afternoon, that was a bitch! there HAS to be an easier way to set typeface within the menu setup.
- finished the logo 4 up.
- finished the corporate branding package yesterday, just need to mount it all in an eye catching way.
SO this weekend will be all about reading chapters, mounting one project and working on two other projects that are due friday!!
what else can i blahh on about...oil spill, family coming in town next weekend, what am i gonna do for dinner????
ok. time to get my butt in gear!!
have a wonderful weekend peoples!!
one more week to go & another fun class!


1 comment:

  1. class has gotten busy, but i think its a good thing. It helps us work under pressure. you know and I know the real world isnt easy and things are always thrown at us. you just have to jump on and hold on and make the best out of it. And yes there is and easier way to do the menu. Mr. Williams showed us today. I wanted to kick myself in the butt. Me and you worked too hard on ours, because there was and easier way. Oh well we got it done.
