Saturday, February 5, 2011

10 Fave Activities

Ok, so I'm an energetic, hyper, enthusiastic person that would rather keep busy than bored off my socks. Below is a listing of some things I like and enjoy. As of late I've just gotten into cruise ventures now. :)

1) Sleep
- one of my favorites, whether it's in my hammock (happy place) or on the couch. I don't get to do much of it lately but it's nice when a nap sneaks up on me from time to time.

2) Music
- I love music, several kinds. Just don't care for the Disney pop music, just too sugary and technically overdone for my likes. I have the iPod filled with music that ranges from some country, classical, 80's music, etc. Music helps me do a good amount of housecleaning and landscaping around the yard.

3) Cleaning
- I've noticed more Obsessive Compulsive Issues appearing within me now that I am a homeowner. Things need to be clean and in it's place, it keeps me busy and takes my mind off of things.

4) Swimming
- I am a water sign and love to play and spend time in the water, I was raised with and in a pool and miss getting in one. Living in Florida is nice being able to be in water more, but unfortunately I haven't been able to swim much. I do need to do that more often.

5) Traveling
- I love to get out and do things or go places, to see new sights and live. It's a great passion of mine. I've been to Scotland, England, Barbados, Mexico, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Indianapolis, North Carolina, Virginia and plan to go to more places as much as possible before I die.

6) Shopping
- LOVE LOVE LOVE retail therapy!! nothing in the world helps me feel better than spending a bit of cash and filling my closets with more shoes and outfits! I don't get to do much of that lately since I'm on a budget :)

7) Sight seeing
- runs hand in hand with traveling and well, shopping really. Since window shopping is in a small way close to sight seeing, so it all ties in. Seriously, it's nice to look at new things and see history and take lots of pictures.

8) Painting/ sketching
- It helps me drift off in another place or do something nice. I've been painting/ sketching for years and like it, so therefore. :)

9) Laughing
- at whatever it takes to get me in a happy mood. Movies, comedies, comediennes, comic strips, cartoons, anything funny really. Making other people laugh is a big thrill for me, kind of winds up the humor key a bit.

10) Concert Going
- music helps this, if I get into a band and want to hear them in a live setting, concerts it is. It's a way to get out a bit of stress and energy for me, my release. For me it's better than doing drugs!!

11) Movies
_ I'm picky about movies and have problems sitting through most. Disney Pixar and happy cartoonie types are a fave, some sci-fi works for me too. Don't like horror movies or scary thrillers, just not my thing.

12) Museums
- something about walking around a museum or an art museum that is relaxing to me. I seem to get lost walking around looking at all there is to see.

13) Sunbathing in my "happy place"
- yes, that would be my hammock. It's somewhere I've liked to go and just zone out and sunbathe when the weather is warm. I thought it would drive me nuts when the sling part of my hammock broke, I didn't fall through it, I just needed a new one. Funny how that is, something you've become accustomed to all of a sudden isn't there, but it can be replaced....someday.

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