Wednesday, February 16, 2011

10 Fave Resources for Design Inspiration

I find so much inspiration in anything and anywhere really, I usually get thoughts and sketch them out or put them into the mental file cabinet.  They seem to come from anywhere, if I'm sitting chatting with friends or family or zoning out watching the television. Usually my best ideas or thoughts come to me when I'm not even thinking about it, then the light-bulb turns on.

I'm a visual kind of person, I like to see beauty and I get the best inspiration from magazines, cartoons, art of any kinds, billboards when I'm driving down the street, images on websites or in print ads, life in general really. Vehicles are another source some cars and trucks have such wonderful lines, motorcycles for the artwork and chrome. Lastly there's music, I listen to almost anything and sometimes it inspires me to create or even delve deeper into my work and not let me think. It's like the other side of my brain takes over and I disappear into whatever it is I'm doing.

If i really get stumped for ideas I usually talk to people, get a flow going and see where it takes me. Sometimes talking to people starts a thought that ends up being a great idea or even a few great ideas really. Ya know, now that I think about it, I have seen ideas in my dreams from time to time. It's nice to zone out in a relaxing place and meditate for ideas too.

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