Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 Things I Will Do This Year to Make Myself More Marketable

Ok, so a long list follows with this thinking, since I am going to be the best damn artist of whatever medium I can sink my teeth into, I need to start marketing myself. So I'm thinking of priming up the online portfolio website and then since I'm on YouTube I might as well post a video resume as well, maybe tie that in with the website. I need to think of all the possibilities here.

Can't forget the "old school" marketing using the business cards and even passing out the resumes during the designer expos and job fairs, snagging some business cards of merchants at the expos and fairs and emailing them my resume or plugging for jobs that way. That's another option, just need to keep the eyes open for the expos and fairs to come around.

Of course, blog blog blog blog blog and peddle my services wherever possible! Another idea is definitely make some flash "commercials" and post them on my YouTube or email them out. hmmmmmmm....  Did I forget anything? Am I on the right idea path??

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